Who are these programs for?
Children | Community Leaders | Social Workers | Teachers | Guidance Councilors | Survivors | Bystanders | Librarians | Coaches
What to expect from our programs
The Power of One
Many of us working in the field of sexual aggression hear frequently; “what can I do, I’m only one person, one voice?” Never doubt the power of one voice. This program addresses the positive influence of several voices that have changed how we address sexual assault, stalking, and partner violence as well as some of the influential negatives. People come away from this presentation with a heightened awareness of the issue along with concrete strategies to make their voice heard.
Sexual Assault Against Children
The threat to children by non-family predators is on the rise. Society has addressed it in two ways; first to increase the penalties because of “Jessica’s Law” and second by teaching children how to protect themselves. Though increasing penalties keeps the offender off the street longer it does not deter them. Educating our children makes parents feel better however the reality is these strategies frequently fail. The answer rests with each of us. Society needs to create a safer environment for children by understanding the dynamics of child rape. Participants of this No Zebras Productions program will learn the profiles of the most common offenders: who they are the process they use to select and groom their targets and parents, and positive steps that can be taken to protect society's most vulnerable.
Silent Crime, Confidential Criminal
This program addresses the realities of a sexual assault where the offender is known to the survivor. It will discuss how the bystander mentality works, and what can be done to motivate bystanders to reduce sexual aggression.
Participants will leave this program with an understanding of the sequence of familiar assault along with knowing the general characteristics of people who assault someone they know. They will understand how some of the most common myths concerning “date rape” were started, and why they are false. Participants will understand how to use this information to address bystander behavior. This No Zebras program is extremely beneficial for peer educators, teachers and school administrators to assist with prevention and avoidance programming and policies; counselors to help survivors in understanding they were not responsible, and the public to offset the myths so common in our culture.
Bullying, Harassment & Threats
Bullying and harassment in schools is as old as any problem that plagues students, and yet it is one of those issues that receive little attention. Generally, these incidents are downplayed by teachers and administrators, leaving victims traumatized and scarred for many years while the perpetrators gain more confidence to continue with their terrorizing. Inappropriate touching, taunting, hazing, rumors, social networking harassment are but a few ways students are traumatized daily. Unfortunately, many myths have been perpetrated and perpetuated concerning the dynamics of bullying and harassment which has resulted in rare bystander intervention and even fewer reports and convictions. Participants of this No Zebras Production will leave this program with an understanding of appropriate teacher, coach, administrator, and institutional response to bullying and harassment. It will discuss how the bystander mentality works, and what can be done to motivate peer bystanders to reduce bullying and harassment.
Ask yourself: Does my behavior help my community be a safe place for victims to report their crimes and deal with assault? Am I contributing to a culture that shames victims? Am I aware of the realities of sexual assault and violence?
No Zebras Productions educates communities on the importance of supporting survivors on their journey and boycotting the rape culture that prevails in everyday life. Sexual violence is an epidemic that can no longer go undetected in communities. We can help educate your community in ways they can both protect and support each other.